Id doubt that you'll ever look at me like a real person instead of a freak thats deaf. |
_AlL i CaReD aBoUt WaS yOu AnD iT dIdNt MaTtEr CuZ yOu JuSt WaLkEd OuT... aNd YoU dIdNt EvEn GeT tO hEaR mE sAy, I'm SoRrY fOr EvErYtHiNg... AnD i NeVeR gOt To SaY i LoVe YoU!!!!_ |
Just to hear your voice one more time will get me by another day... But I'm already stuck on the day you left |
X_if_nothing_is_f**king_right_in_my_damn_life_then_why_the_hell_am_I_here_X |
I loved you. |
I hate you for leaving me, |
MY FAV:: |
MY FAV:: |
Some dreams stay in the sky, sometimes they fall. |
If you walk the walk; |