Quotes by Kutie236

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  • Some days I can live without you like you never were mine, but other days I wonder how I've gone so long without you in my arms.

    13 years ago
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  • Someday you will realize that you are no longer his special someone but just a nobody in his world of somebodies

    13 years ago
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  • I've listened to my heart for the past 5 years and it keeps bringing me back to you, it's about time I listen to my head because it knows that I can't make you love me like you used to.

    13 years ago
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  • People are always talking about True Love and how it will only happen once. I think true love is always your first love because they are the first and last person you give your whole heart to because once its over they will always have a piece of it

    13 years ago
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  • UR not the first guy Ive ever kissed but ur the only 1 to kiss me & make me melt UR not the first guy Ive ever wanted but ur the only 1 Ive ever needed & UR not the first guy I've ever said I love u too but ur the only 1 Ive ever meant it to

    13 years ago
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  • How can he promise you forever? when he can't even promise you that there will be a tomorrow? so next time he promises you forever, he is promising you that he will love you for as long as he possibly can.

    13 years ago
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  • Love changes people's way of thinking. When I met you I used the word "love" so carelessly and before you met me you never used it at all. Now because of you I never use it and because of me you always do

    13 years ago
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  • Everytime I talk to you, I realize why I held on to you for so long and why even now I just can't let you go.

    13 years ago
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  • He is the only person who will ever have my whole heart...because no matter who I fall in love with after, he will always hold a piece of it.

    13 years ago
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  • It is when he breaks your heart that you truely see what he has brought to your life and if you truely love him you will know that the breaking of the heart was worth what he has given you.

    13 years ago
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