Quotes by Billi Vermillion

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  • Love is when you don't know you are really in love

    21 years ago
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  • Encompass'd with a thousand dangers Weary, faint, trembling with a thousand

    20 years ago
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  • I balanced all, brought all to mind,
    The years to come seemed waste of breath,
    A waste of breath the years behind
    In balance with this life, this death.

    20 years ago
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  • Yet we trust that somehow good
    will be the final goal of ill!
    To pangs of nature, sins of will
    defects of doubt, and taints of blood!

    20 years ago
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  • The grim bottom line therefore is that suicide, in a double sense, will prove to be the death of the future.

    20 years ago
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  • The flower that smiles today
    Tomorrow dies;
    All that we wish to stay,
    Tempts and then flies.

    20 years ago
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  • Life's but a walking shadow; a poor player,
    That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
    And then is heard no more: it is a tale
    Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury.
    Signifying nothing.

    20 years ago
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  • My soul is deprived of peace.
    I have forgotten what happiness is.
    I tell myself that my future is lost

    20 years ago
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  • We seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.

    20 years ago
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  • To loose your LOVE is to have a thousand lives and have them all end at once!

    20 years ago
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