Cullenism - My new religion ! |
Dear Santa, |
So theres this little rainy town called forks... |
Love isn't about finding the perfect person. Its about seeing an imperfect person perfectly. |
You told me to get rid of the pain. But the knife only caused me more. |
I'd rather be hated for who i am than loved for someone im not. Someone im not is not being true. So i show the real side. The side that is me. |
Love is when you don't want to fall asleep because reality is better than a dream. |
Go aheadand talk about me, but first i have some advice. Click your tiny heals together and say 'i need a life'. |
Why am i dieing to live if im just living to die?? |
La tua cantante -- she is your singer , her blood sings for you. |