Quotes by jenna grace

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  • Lost love is still love. it takes a different form, that's all. you cant see their smile. but when senses weaken, another heightens. memory. memory becomes replacement. you nurture it. you hold it. you dance with it.

    16 years ago
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  • Life has to end. love doesnt.

    16 years ago
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  • My mom said this to me:
    god, im so happy for fabric with spandex. just shove in the jiggly parts and zip.

    i replied saying:
    unhealthy weight issues that'll make your teenage daughter turn anorexic.

    16 years ago
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  • I hate when every negative act is blamed on your period. sometimes beeeatchhhyyyness is just beeeatchhhyyyness, happily unattached to anything hormonal. it should get full credit.

    16 years ago
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  • Your sibling, after all, is the only other person in the world who understands how f'd up your parents made you.

    16 years ago
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  • && i knew he was different when we were smoking weed and driving crazzyyy, and he slowed down, stopped and waited for the little kids to back away from the street.

    16 years ago
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