Favorite Poems of LivinFree

  • Foolish Enough (1)

    by Rochelle

    Sometimes when i think everything through i think...

  • Avoiding You (1)

    by ShawdowDancer

    I see you in the halls...

  • Captured Tears (18)

    by Elapsed

    Loving fingers of light at my window,
    Calling me out to embrace the sky...

  • I nearly (2)

    by David

    I nearly saw you
    I nearly held your hand...

  • Good-Bye \"Friends\" (1)

    by Stefana

    Feeling empty
    Feeling dark...

  • The Sad Truth.. (108) 1

    by TinyDancer46

    I don't know if this poem is any good... I'm just...
    I thought things were good now...

  • I Still

    by StEpHaNiE

    I still think of you and long to hold you. I still...