Quotes by Zee

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  • Which fate will be for your love If he was to die,or be with another.If his
    heart now hers,and he never shed a tear.You would give your life up,to win him back,or kill him,before you see him with another,because it kills
    you,More then anything else.

    18 years ago
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  • If my love was to die, i would cry. But if he were to cheat, then their will be a body in my back seat

    16 years ago
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  • Your lips that once touched mine just hours ago, now cold and pale. Your voice that once filled the room with laughter gone. Your heart once intwined in mine. Death takes away these once loving feelings, turning them into a reminder of a life once there.

    17 years ago
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  • Alcoholic pleasures bring no satisfaction to the hearts lonely bliss that which it craves. Your love to me fills my heart like a bed full of blood red roses. Sweet and intoxicating to my lips, bliss, and heart.

    17 years ago
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  • Rain is like a drug we all fall under. Like a drug it can make you feel high . It can make you feel calm and blissful. But sadly it can make you depressed and weary. Rain, such a bi-polar drug, but I cant help but to get addicted

    17 years ago
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  • Life is like a rose.At first so innocent, and pure.Beautiful to the sight.The petals are safe to the flesh.But reality is this, a rose has its thorns. A rose is a symbol of love and death.To the beginning of a story to the end, a rose is always the same.

    18 years ago
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  • Time heals all wounds, but always leaves a scar. Sometimes the memorize the scar holds, hurt us more then the wound for it last forever with that pain always fresh at mind.

    18 years ago
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  • Time heals all wounds, but always leaves a scar.

    18 years ago
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  • In the end i gave you everything, but my flesh. I bet you wouldnt even be satisfied then. You left me, for no sin which i commited. You left me for i wasnt who you thought i was...Something real. And i wont let you change that.

    18 years ago
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  • Oh, i'm sorry, i'm crazy, and you are?

    16 years ago
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