Daughter of mine,
your eyes, so bright and full of life...
Take that smirk off your ugly face,
I'm not afraid to stand up anymore to you...
Stay away from my family
take one step closer I'll flatten you out...
My blue eyes start to water
knowing I've done wrong...
I sit alone here,
knowing you wont be around any time soon...
Reaching for the life within me
thinking of your face...
I can't live with what i have done.
I'm sick of hurting all the ones i love...
I've never done anything right.
the smile on my face...
I have so many things to say
its just to hard to explain...
Please don't go,
I'm going to miss you so...
The clock keeps ticking,
haven't heard from you all day...
I'll be the one to wipe away your tears
and scare away every single fear...