Quotes by Choose xX Alex Xx Life

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  • Life is like a see-saw sometimes your up sometimes your down, but there is always a down before a up :)

    18 years ago
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  • I wish you were a tear, because when I cry you would touch me as you rolled down my face, but I wouldn't want to be a tear on your face because each time you cried I'd lose you

    18 years ago
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  • Tiny star shining bright, its time for me to say goodnight, so close your eyes and snuggle up tight, im wishing your sweet dreams tonight.

    18 years ago
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  • First time I saw you I was scared to touch you, First time I touched you I was scared to kiss you, First time I kissed you I was scared to love you, And now I love you im scared to lose you. xxxx

    18 years ago
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