Poems by Bethany M

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  • You (1)

    I don't remember how life flows
    Or how times come and go...

  • I know I said I'd be OK
    I told myself I wouldn't cry...

  • I walk down the stairs
    And I see you smile...

  • Rain falling down
    Streaking across my face...

  • I was walking down the hall
    That is when I see...

  • I see you with her
    I cannot help but to cry...

  • I am moving on
    And never looking back...

  • I can't believe
    I made it through...

  • I search for love
    I search for lust...

  • Holding fast to my dreams
    And never letting go...

  • I think I still love you
    Actually I know I do...

  • You are not like all the others
    You are my dream come true...