Poems by Litemc

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  • Wandering through my wishes
    Trying to reach happy ends of my dreams...

  • I was born in sweat and pain
    As every person of human kind...

  • Just few instant moments remains
    Till the day when I was born...

  • Run out and ready to die
    A whisper with echo in my mind...

  • The same are drugs
    Whenever you take...

  • She seems to be an angel
    That showed me her eyes...

  • Back to the own place
    The forces are opening the gates...

  • Good morning
    For you Jesus...

  • I can wait to love you in heaven
    I can wait for you...

  • Avoid mighty heaven because you are not there
    The wind slightly mess my coat...

  • Stepping on the edge and ready to fly
    Up side down right to hell...

  • When the sky touch my head
    And theres no way out...