And i finally realized what life is allL aboutt ...itss holdingg onn when your hearts had enough its giving more when you feelL like giving up x3 |
I'm gonna write down every time you told me you loved me && wif those 5oo pages I'm gonna shove them down your throat so you'll have enough "I love you's" to tell the next girl who thinks she's your w.or.l.d |
Even Tho iVe "StOpPeD LiKiNg YoU" EvRyTyM SoMeOne SayS YoUr NaMe My HeAd TuRnS ToWaRd ThEm ItZ LyK EvErYtYMe I HeAr It I ThInK AbOuT AlL We CoUlDa HaD And AlL ThAt CoUlDa HaPpEnD ...ThAt DiDNt |
WEn uR HoPeLeSsLy iN LuV & u kNo Iz TrU weN HeS aLL Ur tiNkiN oF weN u GoT NuThiN 2 dO JuS Do uRseLf a FaVa N tiNk dA HoLe tiNg tHrOuGh ...aSk uRseLf o1 QuEsTiOn...*iz He tiNkiN oF u ?* |
TeLl HiM I dOnT EvEr WanT tO sEe HiM AgAiN tElL HiM hE MeAnT cRaP tO Me TeLl hIm I NeVeR eVeN lOvEd HiM tElL HiM I wOnT miSs HiM aT aLl BuT mOsT oF AlL dOnT tElL HiM I sAiD tHiS wItH TeArS iN mY eYeS |
ThEy saY BEfoRe U diE uR whOLe LiFe wiLL fLaSh befOre uR eYeS sO you bettEr maKe it -->[wOrth watChinG] |
A break up is like a broken mirror.. it is better to leave it broken than hurt urself trying to fix it back together |
I want a guy that will make me happy someone that will make me smile when I hear his voice someone that will love me unconditionally i want someone that will have my friends saying to one another [ shes happy again ] |
And theres always gonna be that one thing that you want but never get that one mistake u can never take back and that memory you'd do anything to h a v e // a g a i n |
Friendship isn`t just about talking about guy`s keeping secret`s & make-up. friendship is about two people, connected at their heart, people who cannot live without each other. (( friendship is forever )) x3 |