Quotes by Ashleigh

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  • A break up is like a broken mirror.. it is better to leave it broken than hurt urself trying to fix it back together

    18 years ago
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  • ThEy saY BEfoRe U diE uR whOLe LiFe wiLL fLaSh befOre uR eYeS sO you bettEr maKe it -->[wOrth watChinG]

    18 years ago
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  • TeLl HiM I dOnT EvEr WanT tO sEe HiM AgAiN tElL HiM hE MeAnT cRaP tO Me TeLl hIm I NeVeR eVeN lOvEd HiM tElL HiM I wOnT miSs HiM aT aLl BuT mOsT oF AlL dOnT tElL HiM I sAiD tHiS wItH TeArS iN mY eYeS

    18 years ago
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  • WEn uR HoPeLeSsLy iN LuV & u kNo Iz TrU weN HeS aLL Ur tiNkiN oF weN u GoT NuThiN 2 dO JuS Do uRseLf a FaVa N tiNk dA HoLe tiNg tHrOuGh ...aSk uRseLf o1 QuEsTiOn...*iz He tiNkiN oF u ?*

    18 years ago
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  • Even Tho iVe "StOpPeD LiKiNg YoU" EvRyTyM SoMeOne SayS YoUr NaMe My HeAd TuRnS ToWaRd ThEm ItZ LyK EvErYtYMe I HeAr It I ThInK AbOuT AlL We CoUlDa HaD And AlL ThAt CoUlDa HaPpEnD ...ThAt DiDNt

    18 years ago
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  • I'm gonna write down every time you told me you loved me && wif those 5oo pages I'm gonna shove them down your throat so you'll have enough "I love you's" to tell the next girl who thinks she's your w.or.l.d

    18 years ago
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  • And i finally realized what life is allL aboutt ...itss holdingg onn when your hearts had enough its giving more when you feelL like giving up x3

    18 years ago
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