Why do innocent people die?
Why do wars continually rage...
Ever had a dream so intense
You didn't know if you were asleep...
Seems that smiles grow more here
As we pass this time of year...
Friendship isn't about silly sayings
Like Best Friends Till The End...
Searching to my deepest parts
For words beyond my reach...
Does time mend troubles or do you forget?
Is forgetting the way time heals...
Here future's knocking at my door
Calling upon me once more...
I've got no one to talk to
Just this paper and a pen...
When the rain pours
And I feel the thunder...
Running silent, heart pounding
Like my feet upon the track...
He wandered 'round the house one day
Searching hard for his keys...
You smile at me, then look away
Is that your signal, or clue...