My heart felt like it had fallen to the floor at his feet saying, "Take this, it was always yours." |
*o*iF YoU WaNNa See tHa RaiNBoW*o* |
. bEfOr i mEt yOu |
Truth hurts, and I rather be full of pain knowing a truth of not being loved, than to be built up on false hope of maybes |
Smile and look on the bright side, life isnt always better looking for the worse but accepting the bad and living for the best. |
Life is a never-ending hall that we must walk through everyday. Though keep in mind that once a door closes, it may never re-open. |
There's always going to be that one special person who you can't live without. But the best part is when you realize you can. |
"I fought You for so long |
The only peace to war is to tame our own self-hate. |