Quotes by Emma Brown

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  • Nothing in life is easy especially if you want it to be easy because what you want you never always get.

    Much love, Emma xox

    18 years ago
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  • Things are only easy if you make them easy for yourself. In a relationship it's only easy if you make it easy ... don't cheat, don't lie and then it's great and very easy for both parts.
    Much love, Emma xox

    18 years ago
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  • What should you say when somebody tells you that they truly love you?

    Nothing, just sit back and enjoy the ride .. =)

    18 years ago
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  • It's Already Over, If I Stay Here I'd Only Make You Cry, It's Already Over, We Can't Move Forward, So Lets Move On Bye Bye. My sister told me this xx

    18 years ago
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  • I love you becasue you're sexy.
    I love you becasue you're true.
    I love you for lovng me.
    And I love you most of all for just being you xx

    18 years ago
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