Because i lived one more day i add one more slit |
You would never think the person who looks like the total oppisite of you feels and is just like you but hides it because they are afraid of what there frends will think! =) |
So bLaCKen My EyEs And I'll sLIt My WrIsT so I cOUlD jUsT Fall AsLeeP TONIGHT!=( |
She grabs the razor and begins to cut and decieds that this is how she will die and if she doesnt succed tonight she'll try again till it her time! |
Life To Me Means One Thing And Thats Live Life To The Fullest Cuz In The End Your Remember For How You Lived And What You Did! |
I rather be a bi(tch then a h0e cuz then im recanized for what i did not who i did |
U oNly gEt OnE cHaNCe To LiVe LiFe ThE wAY iT iS sUpPoSe TO bE liVeD aNd ThAT tO hAvE aS mUch FuN aS pOsSiBlE aNd NevEr Be AfRaId oF tHe CoNsIqUiNcEs beCaUsE tHaT dAy CoUlD bE uR lAsT! |
Tears run down her face |
I GoT pRoBlEmS yEs i Do BuT mINe dOnT cOmPaRe To YoU!!! |
Roses r red |