Us, you and me,
We have something special...
DiD i Do SoMeThInG tO oFfEnD?
Did I do something to offend...
We must have something special,
Something, you and me...
I want a thousand ponies
And a million puppies to see...
We talk of how the years
Seem to go by so fast...
I think about you all the time,
And how you aren't YET mine...
Start of the day,
Talk of the town...
Stayed awake ‘till the storm stopped,
And the wind slowed to a gentle breeze...
What would happen if
They were both laying here...
Black sky above my head,
More rain than is the norm...
Sun begins to shine
Spreading its warmth even to...
Too long for a quote, I guess...
Remember when she said she couldn't imagine life...