Quotes by Lil One

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  • I like u and u like me and thats the only thing that matters to me!

    18 years ago
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  • Ur the thought that starts each morning the conclusion to each day my love for you grows more each n everyday <3

    15 years ago
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  • Dnt knw wat to say dnt knw wat to do all my thoughts always lead back to you I love you I do but sometimes I can't help wonder if u really love me as I do you……

    15 years ago
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  • Just the thought of you brings a twinkle in my eyes n a smile upon my face, my love for you is more than i can explain i love you more each day i give you my heart my soul my everything

    15 years ago
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  • I go to sleep with a smile because I go to sleep thinking of u <3

    14 years ago
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  • I wake up smiling because I wake up thinking of u. I smile through out the day because I take u in my heart n u invade my mind n thought. I go to sleep knwin I'll sleep well because ull b in my dreams.

    14 years ago
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