Level of red getting higher
Grinding his teeth as he lies there...
I'm not lost, I don't need help.
I'm not scared, I haven't got anything to tell...
I notice from all I write
It's all unanswered questions trying to find the...
Theres so many losses we've all have faced
we've all kneeled there and tried to pray...
Leaving you
Is that something I should do...
She always felt lost you just never knew
She sits there, as you think she's telling the...
Sneaking around at night
We're walking on thin ice, we know it's not right...
That's no excuse
That sorry I refuse...
"Don't worry I'm alright"
"I love this life"...
What's the point of life?
A question I ask myself before I go to bed every...
12 am, Can't seem to sleep tonight
2 am, Little ridiculous, This isn't right...
Remember all the times I couldn't write a poem...
When I tried, I thought the words weren't the...