I wAnT sOmEoNe WhO wOuLd Be My BeStFrIeNd AnD wOuLd NeVeR bReAk My HeArT |
YEs YoU lEFt me but your fRiEnD "hElpEd" me oUt |
HOw could you BrEaK my hEArt and still f**ken tell me you LoVe me!! |
THe bESt ThiNGS in life are UnsEEn thats why we close our eYEs when we kISs,CrY,and drEAM..... |
Go AhEaD and tAlK AbOuT me but i hAvE SoMe aDvIsE, ClIcK yOuR hEEls TogEthEr and say i nEEd a LifE.. |
The one guy that I LoVe..... |
If men had there periods they'd brag about the size of their tampons ;) |
Whoa SOMEBODY ate too many B**ch flakes for BREAKFAST!! |
GOOD GIRLS are just BAD GIRLS that dont get CAUGHT!! |
IF you need a NICKEL ill give YOU a DIME if you want a MAN b**ch dont f**k with MINE!! |