Poems by jamie lynn

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  • She thought that he was different from the other...

  • If you love someone tell them before its to late...
    i was watching this show over the weekend and j.t...

  • I cant help who i am
    i cant help who i have become...

  • Broken hart, cold eyes, bloody wrist.
    Lost and lonely in a world so cruel...

  • Would it be worth it in the end to just say...
    Would it be worth it in the end to just leave and...

  • Broken (2)

    Broken hart bloody wrist your the one i wont 4get.
    from the tears to the happiness and right back to...

  • Tell me shes lieing.
    i cant take this...

  • Hurt (1)

    Your talking to her and you know i dont like it...
    i try to talk to you about it but you wont listin...

  • I know your mad i know your upset. hes your...
    i know you love him and us 2 but its us or him...

  • He makes me smile
    he makes me laugh...

  • This whole time you had me believing this was...
    you told me lets work on it and make it work. i...

  • Holding it tight to my wrist she cuts deep down...
    my body shivers as the worm blood runs down my...