Caged in her own mind
A key she can't seem to find...
Each day is so overwhelming
She bleeds to keep her focus...
I built these walls
a steady structure...
She just couldn't take it anymore
The lies that leaked from his lips...
You can't break whats already broken
And so I pass around my heart...
The hardest part of goodbye
Are these memories that never seem to rest...
She hates them. How could they do this?,
Just abandon her when she became trapped in...
You go about your merry lives.
Though my relations with the razor blade...
She wishes she could change
People tell her shes wrong to drag that blade...
The truth is she has't been alright for a while
Only keeping sane with that loyal blade...
You were every reason she was going on
Put the knife aside, stop the rivers of red...
She always tried to convince herself that she...
Though those lonely nights seemed to never end...