Poems by Jackielynn

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  • She wants to die
    but people are...

  • Can you heal my
    heart and make it...

  • She watched as the crimson
    tears ran down her arm...

  • Your gone and I'm so sad
    i don't think i can live...

  • Everytime you smile
    everytime you laugh...

  • She afraid of the time
    to come and afraid to...

  • She\\\'s torn between two worlds
    not knowing is she can live...

  • It's so hard no to
    think about you, your like...

  • It's raining hard
    i go to close...

  • I'm so happy your
    alive, to see your...

  • The way I feel so
    warm like I\\\'m...

  • The voices told me to do it. they told me I'd be...