Poems by Beautiful Chaos

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  • Life is roaring down the track
    Blood is slipping through the crack...

  • I whisper to the stars
    In hopes they'll hear my cry...

  • I can't get on that thing,
    There's no good that can come...

  • Fury (2)

    A still mind

  • Walk along the lonely ledge
    Teeter totter on the edge...

  • Wonder if you see me
    Ponder if you care...

  • In Truth (2) 1

    Deceit that brings a smile
    Truth that draws a tear...

  • One year older,
    Happy birthday to me...

  • I do not have
    A guiltless soul...

  • You never could take it
    The honesty that dripped from my lips...

  • I wallow in the darkened streets
    Where ghosts whisper my name...

  • Unending (2) 2

    Glowing stars,
    Shining moon...