Quotes by Refinnej Sin

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  • Dude..dude think about this...
    putting a wooden fence around a tree is like placing a fence of cut up human parts around someone

    17 years ago
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  • Who will be you if you're not?

    17 years ago
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  • Scream me a whisper
    cry for me soft sand
    curse me with this wonderous blessing!
    the cost: your finger for my hand

    17 years ago
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  • What can i say?! i'm a woman of equal trade
    especially to my love, my one and only babe

    i'm as gentle to him as he is kind
    so no questions asked when i poison his wine

    17 years ago
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  • Ever get the feeling the 'spark' just went out?...
    .........well this was no spark that went out..it was a fire...damn i feel so cold

    17 years ago
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  • Dreams hang on clouds..its your job to learn how to fly

    17 years ago
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  • You asked me why i'm so good to you...
    ..you can find a stone anywhere...but to find a diamond! ..i climbed this mountain to gain this treasure, i'm not about to be careless with it

    17 years ago
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  • 'looking for a woman is like looking for a car..its all about the headlights and the rear view'

    -my ol' irish strict grandad said this at the question 'what do you find most attractive in women?' shocked the crap of us all..hehe good stuff

    17 years ago
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  • Our love is the base of our life; the 5 elements of course
    as deep as the ocean water
    as playful as the wind
    as hot as the fire
    as natural as the earth
    and as pure as the spirit

    17 years ago
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  • Read this somewhere:

    only when women stop suffering for beauty will they too stop suffering for the lack of it

    17 years ago
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