You promised to be the one guy who stood up and said "im different" instead you stood up and said "we're all the same". i dont know whats worse, the fact i belived you, or the fact that i wanted to |
And as he walked away he never heard hr whisper "i love you" |
Wt makes you so easy to love and so hard to hate |
When you get caught looking at him, remember he was looking back |
Stand there untill I leave, because i dont have the strength to watch you walk away again |
And if we had the chance to do it all again could we? |
Why is falling easy but forgettin is hard |
When it all goes wrong with and you realised what you gave away,im not gonna be waiting, because you hurt me |
You know sometimes sorry just isnt good enough |
Looking into those beautiful big brown eyes made my world, then.....they looking into them broke it |