A coffin i see
surrounded by people...
Words i can't describe
what i think about you is not...
Was it,your kisses that had me
coming back for more.I use 2 make any excuse just...
Tell me what's real?
were those kisses real or them...
Solo en pensar que un te amo
se combierte en una realidad...
My dearest deepest,shreds my tears through open...
Bloody tears,run down my face
heart left with scars of hate...
When you got sick i held
in my arms thoughts of never letting you go,I...
In the corners of my room
were darkness falls thats...
As i sit and write,how it use to be
between you and me.I told myself i won't miss you...
An i love you takes a man
to get in your pants.A slightly lie...
Te quiero mucho,que ni te quiero
perde.Eres la persona que siempre amare,Eres mi...