Poems by DaMaGeD DiSaStEr

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  • I don't think I can go on any longer.
    Maybe if I was a little bit stronger...

  • You

    If I had you in my arm's tonight
    then maybe everything would be alright...

  • Forget that one single moment we shared
    or how you said you cared...

  • You say I stole him, and your poetry too.
    But really, your the one that stole my life...

  • It upsets me, when I fall
    Your not there at all...

  • I'm sick of you being better then me.
    I'm sick of you all together, just let me be...

  • When your around you got me feelin some kinda way,
    I can't really explain, I look at you and just...

  • This is the hardest thing I've had to do.
    This is the worst thing that could happen to me...

  • I wanted to be perfect
    I wanted to be thin...

  • It hurts me everyday
    I don't know what to say...