Back upon the ashen fields of whispers and
the soft touch of romance...
"There's nothing wrong with me, there's...
I raped the child Jesus, as he lay in bed...
***My mind has developed writer's block.
Here's some random suicidal thoughts...
So I took my own virginity,
placing burnt and blackened hands between my...
I took ... her virginity, as though it was not...
but not with a soul that desired women...
The apple hangs, in the shade of trees,
it's rotten and yet so beautiful...
***Doctors can't diagnose poetry.***
Sitting alone, with needles in the skin...
***Sometimes anger is so irrational, it makes as...
This MEDICATION; won't save me...
"I hate myself more than you hate me. Because...
- Inspired by "Ghostflowers", by Otep...
***The tall tale of pulling yourself from the...
Here you go, Lenny. I know you're smart enough to...
***A simple dedication to my first true love.***
And my lips wither like roses in winter...
The stars reflected from the dirty fingernails,
as one drags his feet across the tundra...