Quotes by Alyssa perez

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  • *Live life to the fullest...love with all you have....dance when no one is looking....and forgive even your worst enemy.....!!!*

    18 years ago
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  • CoMe To ThE dArK sIdE.........wE hAvE cOoKiEs

    18 years ago
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  • You talk alot of shyt you say it with out a trace, come on be a big girl and say it to my face...you talk the talk now walk the walk, cuz fake little b****es like you get outlined in chalk

    18 years ago
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  • YoU nEvEr ReAliZe HoW mUcH yOu CaRe AbOuT tHeM uNtIlL tHeIr GoNe

    18 years ago
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