" Love has it ` s obstacles , if it didn `t I...
When you tackled me to the floor the day before...
How do i stay in love with you?
when I\\\'m so unappreciated...
I will always love you
no matter where you are and with who...
She hears the pounding of her heart in her ears...
Taking a deep breath, she attempts to press the...
Still struggling to make it in this cold world.
It lost all warmth the day you walked out of my...
His smile is haunting me; I see it everywhere-- In...
I want so badly to throw all of his beautiful...
My feelings are locked into every piece of my...
He can't just say that I'm better off without him...
I'm giving you my heart
I'm giving you my soul...
Is it those brown eyes that shine like a star
Or the fact that i want to be every where you are...
Our friendship is broken
this is true...
The sun sets; the ending of another dreadful day,
She will lay in bed tonight, and listen to them...
My eyes are finally open to the kind of love you...
The breath taking kind that all of the girls dream...