Poems by ABake

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  • You hated me when I needed you the most.
    So now I should hate you...

  • Personality conquers beauty.
    And personality is what I lack...

  • We've been together for a month and a half.
    And looking back on this wonderful relationship, I...

  • Me (4)

    I hate you.
    Do you not understand...

  • Kill. (1)

    What if I develop cancer?
    Or another life threatening disease...

  • A little girl named Lisa, only seven years old.
    Her moms on drugs and dads never been around...

  • You make me feel like no one ever has.
    You make me happy more than you can see...

  • An endless road is what seems to come more and...
    Oops, my bad it's only I-4...

  • Your name will forever be tattooed on my heart...
    You will always be mine...

  • Do I love you or do I not,
    I knew this once but I forgot...

  • I'm going to miss you, as I drive away today.
    As I write this poem, a tear slides down my cheek...

  • I've written so may poems saying & explaining...
    But my love is indescribable as many would say...