Poems by alone and above

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  • I wish (1)

    I wish you were here
    I wish you could see...

  • Yesterday I hit my head
    it hurt so much I fell on my bed...

  • Downing in despair
    the feelings so unfair...

  • You are my weakness, And my love you make me speak...
    You are my love, and my voice your eyes alone tell...

  • To express my love
    Would be a foolish attempt...

  • Wake up with the blinds pulled shut
    Sit up, rub my eyes open...

  • There are angels over my head
    I see the whitness of the light...

  • East burns the sky with a blazing orange sun
    Morning births the life into the wild red...

  • Lift your chin up
    Look up into the sky...

  • The rain pours down while I lie waiting
    The dust clings to my sides...

  • Why god why did she have to die
    why god why she was only five...

  • To travel beyond
    my aunt said to me is to go not think just go...