One day you'll w.a.l.k..u.p to me and ask me whats more important ***you or my life*** i'll say my life and you'll w..a..l..k....a..w..a..y never knowing that you are [*my life*] |
92% of the teen population would die if Abercrombie and Fitch or Hollister said it was uncool to breathe. Repost this if you are the 8% who would be laughing your a*s off!!! |
When you lose a love think of it as a gain... more free time on your hands, less to worry about, MORE PARTIES!! |
*dreams* are ~wishes~ that never come true... most of my *dreams* are ~wishes~ about you... i need you to tell me you l.o.v.e me too... |
I fell into your arms because i thought you could catch me but to my surprize you let me .f.a.l.l. |
...i...l.o.v.e...h.i.m...b.u.t...i.t.s...t.o.o...m.u.c.h...t.o...s.u.f.f.e.r... |
Love is when you can look at someone and they know what your feeling without you even saying anything. |
"&& im not jealous no im not... i just want everything she's look at her so amazed... i remember way back when you used to look at me that way" |
Can we be n-o-t-h-i-n-g... i hear it lasts ...f.o.r.e.v.e.r... |
"overloved |