"ain't it cold |
Dear heart, |
If you love someone set them free... if they return they were always yours... if they dont they never were... |
♥♥|L|O|V|E|.... you don't $$buy$$ it, you don't %fake% and you don't i`n`h`e`r`i`t it |
\\[♥]// my love is just like an a`n`g`e`l |
♥ && if u knew the |F|E|E|L|I|N|G|S| i f.e.l.t for \you/... you'd {still} b.e |h|e|r|e| ♥ |
Friends are forevah |
If you love someone set them free, if they return its real love, if they dont then ~ScReW iT aLl~ and juss party! |
CHICKS BEFORE D*I*C*K*S!!!!!!!!!! |
I will NeVeR stop loving you i will just stop ShOwInG it! |