Sometimes I get mad for no reason at all.
In love really easy I start to fall...
Every thing will be alright!
All I want to do is say good night...
I'm up now I want to go back to bed now.
You look at me and you think wow...
I pretend that every thing is alright cause I...
Plus I want to make money so I can afford to pay...
Why is it that I pray for a girlfriend every night...
Am I just freaking homely...
I don't know everything but I'm willing to learn...
I give up hope sometimes, sometimes i forget about...
I want a girl like Jesse James.
I want a girl to remember my name...
I'm tired of keeping up with this world.
I'll never figure out why I don't have a girl...
My life is great even though I don't have a girl.
I'm never going to get a girl...
I'm not meaning to depress you all.
I just don't want to fall...
I'll start speaking than I get real quiet.
I'm not like you, I don't want to start a riot...
How are you going to give up hope on me, when you...
You have a problem you think all guys are trying...