Best at what she does.
Excellent at being a friend and a lover...
Believe in god, when everyone seems like they...
Believe in god, when you feel like it's the right...
Built to last a lifetime.
Eager to succeed when people say they fail...
You are the one i need, to fill my love triangle!
Will you save our love, or will you let it dangle...
I'm not meaning to depress you all.
I just don't want to fall...
Can you hear the voice in your ear.
Telling you that this will be your last year...
Christ answers our prayers.
Halleluah jesus is coming...
Can't wait to go back to work!
Outstanding at treating employees fair...
I'm just wondering what my life is about.
In this lifetime I am filled with doubt...
Death comes up to us, like years pass by.
You never know when it is time to die...
So many memories locked away.
So many heart's broke every single day...
Trapped with the idea, everyone hates you.
Can't seem to have fun anymore...