Yesterday is all I can see,
Obscuring the horizon...
[note: this poem is in Haiku form, but not haiku...
My Soul's Desire...
The Eternal Moon,
Shining so brightly tonight...
The Dewy drops,
Falling upon her soft face...
I can see the stones,
Marching on victory road...
Here I stand
Water to my knees...
Through the window to my mind's eye,
I catch a glimpse of a girl...
They are who they think they want to be, but most...
That's the problem with most people today, they...
You cry, you scream, you ache, you agonize:
No one above is listening...
There once was a boy who had needs;
Food, shelter, love...
The Rythm and Rhyme,
that flows with the beat...
Oh! For rapture,
How glorious it would be...