I feel my heart beat faster and then the shiver...
But I put on a fake smile and hide myself behind...
I lay my life down for you
Just so you can see what I've been through...
And heres to the shattered dreams, that we let...
and heres to the tears I cry because I can't...
I had true friends, but now its done.
They let go, because of what I did wrong...
There she is, as she fluff's her dirty blonde...
She batts her big blue eyes, it seems that...
I see you, as you make her laugh.
Then as soon as you leave, she lets out a gasp...
If I don't want you, than why do I cry?
If I dont miss you, why am I up all night...
So theres this girl...
And I'm pretty sure she's not like anyone you've...
I'm sorry good moments dont last.
I'm sorry you miss what you had...