Poems by Idiosyncratic

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  • The nightmare comes
    Tearing apart my dreams...

  • ( I know it's long, but please read and comment...
    The game begins at 12:09...

  • Mourning death
    Is like craving desire...

  • Dizzy in a world of color
    Float to a room like no other...

  • I am not a cutter
    I never will be am or was...

  • I don't want to start crying
    But my tears are already shed...

  • I pick up the knife
    Then put it back down...

  • The light slowly dies
    Although it doesn't change...

  • Life should have been
    A simple journey...

  • Either (2)

    Nothingness and Sorrow
    Trapped between...

  • Do you see her?
    She's right there...

  • Eye (1)

    Eyes deadly serious
    Critique your every move...