Poems by Idiosyncratic

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  • Pieces of pain
    Fit humbly together...

  • Forget (1)

    Did you ever forget
    That you are who you are...

  • It

    Crawling from the depths
    Lives this prisoner of mine...

  • Their hands are red
    From the lives...

  • Although it may be murky
    Water rushes by...

  • You have no right
    To "analyze&quot...

  • I am trapped-but happy
    Pleased without a doubt...

  • The ache in our minds
    slowly grows worse...

  • Cloudy images
    of a perfect world...

  • want to scream of the unfairness
    Of not being ignored...

  • Loosely stitched existence
    Too easy to destroy...

  • Nobody sees anybody
    Just a blurred version of fate...