Quotes by pretending im over you

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  • Once upon a time i was falling apart,
    but now,i am falling in love.

    18 years ago
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  • Here i am trying to convince myself that you make me as happy as i say you do

    17 years ago
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  • When you talk about her your eyes light up, and my heart shatters into a millon peices..

    17 years ago
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  • He is my everything..but shes his everything.

    17 years ago
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  • Smack.
    there you go again..teaching me my lesson.
    i cry.
    you say i need to give you more respect.
    i sigh.
    cant you see that i respect you more then life itself ?

    17 years ago
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  • Your eyes pull me in,
    i smile so widely.
    your heart calls my name.
    thump thump..
    oh god the things you do to me..

    17 years ago
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  • Its funny how you say you never cheated on me with her, yet the moment i ended it you two became a couple..


    17 years ago
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  • As much as you say you love me,
    you will always love what she does to your body more..


    17 years ago
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  • At the time you seemed so good for me,
    but now that we're over i see what everyone else saw all along..


    17 years ago
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  • When you look at me with my new boyfriend and feel regret, know that i am feeling regret too.. for not ending it sooner..

    17 years ago
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