I Wish We Were Made For Each Other... I Wish. |
Sooner Or Later, We Are Still Going To Have To Say Our Goodbyes; What Difference Does It Make? |
Now and then i think of you...and how we used to be. It's so weird how things can change, do you ever think of me? |
Im so tired of thinking, just put me to sleep. erase though promises you could never keep. |
Not only did you leave a scar on my heart, you also left one visibly on my wrist. How can I ever forget you, when there's a remainder that just won't go away. |
Strange, how you're a completely stranger to me now. I don't know who you are anymore, when at one time, I knew you so well. |
Just admit that you never loved me. So the pain you caused me, makes sense. |
I'm so confused, with what's real or not. You say everything with such heart, but all of a sudden your loyalty falls apart. |
You know you are hurting me, you know you are causing me pain. Maybe I should, like you say, 'just get over it.' But can you spare me some pity, and help me do so, by stopping your actions that you know circles my mind. |
You said you'll be there for me. I really wish you could be right now. I really wish I could just run into your arms, and instead just watching my tears fall - I could drown you in them. |