In a world of C.H.E.E.R.I.O.S. |
The world did C.R.Y. the day you [d][i][e][d], |
When a girl is quiet, there are a million things running through her mind. |
.F.A.L.L.I.N.G. in |l|o|v|e| was the -b-e-s-t- idea i *e*v*e*r* had. |
:.:So Hum Hallelujiah Just Off The Key Of Reason |
If ya waNna see a rAiNbOw |
If Ur ThE sUn I wAnNa B tHe ClOuDs So I cAn AlWaYz B bY u... If Ur ThE sTaRs I wAnNa B tHe MoOn So I cAn WaTcH u ShInE! |
Roses are red, violets are blue, you broke my heart, so i hate you! |
U said u love me like a fat kid loves cake....i guess the kid must have went on a diet |
I wAs WiTh HiM sO lOnG, I gReW tO bE sO sTrOnG, |