When a girl is quiet, there are a million things running through her mind. |
.F.A.L.L.I.N.G. in |l|o|v|e| was the -b-e-s-t- idea i *e*v*e*r* had. |
:.:So Hum Hallelujiah Just Off The Key Of Reason |
The .t.r.u.t.h. hurts worse than :a:n:y:t:h:i:n:g: I could ever bring *m*y*s*e*l*f* to do to [y][o][u] |
You'll put you eyes to the sun and say "I know you're only blinding to keep back what the clouds are hiding." |
Sweet like Candy, hot like fire, I'm the perfect cutie, For your desires |
Although you may not love me, although you may not care, if you should ever need me, you know I'll always be there. Your heart may not be broken, Your heart my not be free, but if you ever need someone, you can always count on me |
Star light, Star Bright, Where the hell is Mr. Right.. |
I say all this right now |
ThiNkin Of u BrIngz A SmiLe To My FaCe |