If love is the answer, |
He has taught me hOw tO lOve....but nOt hOw tO stOp... |
Falling in lOve reminds yOu that nOthing else matters... |
YOu dOn't marry the persOn yOu can live with, yOu marry the persOn yOu can't live withOut... |
There are four basic food groups: milk chocolate, dark chocolate, white chocolate, and chocolate truffels |
AlthOugh we are nOt tOether we'll never be apart becaUe thOghts Of yOu will alWays fill my heArt... |
I wAnt tO be yOur favOrite hEllO and yOur hardEst gOOdbyE... |
GUys arE liKe stArs...thEre aRe miLliOns oF thEm OuT thEre, bUt onLy oNe cAn maKe yOur drEams cOme trUe... |
If yOu lOve sOmeOne, put their name in a cirCle, because a hEart cAn be brOken, but a ciRcle gOes On fOrever... |
You don't love someone because they're beautiful...they're beautiful because you love them |