I think i'll go anti love....really who needs it? butterflies in the tummy...heart skipping beats...that can't be healthy!! |
You know youve got good friends, when the only time they make you cry is because you are laughing so hard |
No one can tell her why she felt that way...but she felt it everyday... |
*..LauGh uR hEarT oUt, DanCe iN thE rAin, cHeRisH tHe moMenT, iGnoRe tHe pAin, fOrgIve anD fOrgEt, LivE a liFe U wOnt rEgrEt..* |
.`^dId yOu eVer tHinK i mIgHt wAnt tO HeAR i LoVe yOu? nOt jUSt rEad iT?^`. |
&& .thEres. gOtta bE (-mOre-) tO liFe thAn bEing \hEld/ uP oN :such: a b.r.e.a.k.a.b.l.e striing.. |
So.Many.Ways.To.Say. **i lOve yOu** Not.Nearly.Enough.To.Say.{[hOw mUch]}.. |
-^...itS the wAy yOu maKe mE laUgh whEn i dOnt eVen wAnt tO smiLe..tHe sWeet thiNgs yOu sAy thAt maKe mY eyEs spArkle..tHe sAfeneSs i fEel whEn yOu puT yOur aRms aRound mE..aNd tHe buTteRflieS i gEt eVerytiME i heAr yOu loVe mE..^. |
NothinG yOu \couLd evEr/ c.o.N.f.e.s.s woOUld eVer maKe me lOve yOu aNy L;E;s;s; |
P.a.i.n.f.u.l realization that [all] has gone w r o n g.-& u dOnt caRe abOut mE.)) |