The curtain hides the pain inside, it hides what's...
The curtain covers the battle wounds, from a love...
As it tears through the mind
Shreds through the heart...
*Dedicated to an amazing girl named Brittany*
If only for a minute...
Your angel eyes gaze upon me
with you, there's nowhere else id rather be...
Battered blistered beaten and bruised
From him its all she gets...
The steel vines rips through his heart
As if his heart was never there...
She screams in pain as she is held down
As he enters the screech gets louder...
She went though pain
She Went through torture...
I wake up every morning
its always the same drill...
You ripped me away
from my one true love...
How can I live with myself
After all I have done...
He died because of cancer
A lot of us are sad...