Quotes by pozinthenoise

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  • A girl who took suicide was asked in heaven, "what lesson did you get after falling?"
    She said:
    "that falling from a building is not as painful from falling in love without him catching me..."

    17 years ago
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  • If my life would be a book, I'll wish destiny would be the author so that I could ask him to write me a perfect story that starts with you and ends with you.

    17 years ago
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  • The only love we let go is the only love we treasure.

    17 years ago
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  • Words meant nothing. They are useless until you put some feelings in it. That's what we are. We are nothing until the day we learn to love, and be loved in return. There, we could mean everything.

    17 years ago
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  • I tried to seek for a reason why you I should leave you, but all I found was the anwer why I could never let you go.

    17 years ago
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  • "I met a stranger in you the day I let you go..."

    18 years ago
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  • She replied, "That's why I'm keeping my distance & acting like I don't care,it's painful for me to hear that I'm just YOUR friend..."

    18 years ago
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  • He said,"If you're my friend, you would care,you would always be here for me, you won't go away from me."

    18 years ago
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  • Heart has thousands and endless lives. No matter how numb it is, no matter how sad, no matter how many times it had been broken, it still lives...and go on loving...

    18 years ago
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  • I could say millions of GOODBYE's to you but don't expect that goodbye would stop me from caring...

    18 years ago
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